Friday, 19 August 2011

Day Twenty Five - Sister Blister

Woke up around half 9 and went downstairs for some free breakfast. It was fairly rubbish, but still it was free. With all the walking we had done yesterday, I had developed two blisters, one on the ball of each foot, which had left me looking like a ridiculous fool when I tried to walk. I decided to do some DIY doctoring, and burst them both with scissors, and chucked some plasters over them. This at least allowed me to look normal whilst walking, I was still in some serious pain. A chemist would be needed.

We decided that Pett would get the laundry he needed done, and while that was being done we would go to an internet cafe so I could do the online check in for my flight the next day, before we thought about going out on the sight seeing jaunt for the day. I got to the internet cafe, started the online check in, and then found out I needed my passport which was in my room. I had to walk all the way back to get it. Gutted.

Once we had done the necessary, we had some lunch before setting out (no, not another kebab). We set out towards termini station, to get the metro down to the colloseum. On the way, we found a chemist, and I got some weird gel sticky things for my blisters. This alleviated some of the pain, but this was the best I could get, so I just decided to walk through the pain.

First stop for the day: the colloseum! We joined the queue to buy our tickets and get in (some wee man guide told us it would take 45-50 minutes, nearer 25 you douchebag!). I got in for a discounted rate as I had my provisional on me, proving I was from the EU and under 25. Pett did not. 1-0 me.

We wandered about the colloseum for ages, it is incredibly impressive. Not much else happened, bar seeing a guy with his bird, who we thought must be part of some sort of sock cult. Why else would you wear socks with sandals?

We took a seat on a stone outside the colloseum to prepare for a walk around the forum. At this time we deliberated on whether we should go back to the Trevi fountain to chuck the coins in correctly, seeing as my feet were destroyed. Pett suggested letting the coins decide. I should mention at this point that coins hate me, and always make me do things I dont want to. Needless to say we tossed the coin and it told us to go to the Trevi fountain. Cheers again coins.

When I went to get up, my entire left leg appeared to be dead. I was really suffering today, such terrible timing on my last day as well. I took a time out and did some stretches to get it going again, I must have looked like a bit of a pervert but I didn't care, most italians look like perverts anyway.

We walked for a while to the entrance of the forum. As I had been here before, I let Pett take a look around himself while i preserved myself for the walk through town coming up. He enjoyed it.

We made the trek to the Trevi fountain for our last sight of the day, and chucked our coins in correctly this time, right hand over the left shoulder. Looks like we'll both be coming back!

One the way from the fountain back to the hostel, we were looking in some cheesy souvenir shops, when I came across the sign i'd been looking for since I got here, a ciao bella sign! Maybe the coins have forgiven me, and sent me this way because they knew I would come across the sign? Or maybe I was just ridiculously lucky? Who knows, I certainly don't care, I got my sign!

When we got back to the hostel I was going to go for a shower but the selfish canadian cow in my room was in there for 45 minutes so I cut my losses and went downstairs to sit in the bar for the night. We had a great night of conversation mostly centering on sport, and we said our goodbyes as I would be up earlier in the morning to go for my flight. It was emotional, but I got through it ok. I went to my bed, but couldn't get to sleep as the aforementioned canadian bint was now sitting whining to her pal about someone not picking her up from the airport or something. I was very close to kicking off until she eventually shut up. My last full day was ended, journey home tomorrow morning!

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